Area of Concentration
For any competitive exam, mathematics is a very important section. We’ll be discussing about IBA MBA preparation for the mathematics section. For other competitive exams, preparation pattern is similar.
There will be 30 marks for 30 questions, 1 mark for each question. For wrong answer, 0.25 will be deducted. Followings are the type of questions that can appear in the exam:
- Area
- Average
- Discount
- Ratio and proportion
- Boats and stream
- Partnership
- Percentage
- Time and work
- Age
- Profit and loss
- Time and distance
- General geometry
- Number
- Height and distance
- Probability
Recommended practice Book
You can practice from any book which is designed for only IBA MBA preparation. There are many books in the market which are solution for all kinds of competitive exam. You can also follow these books. But if you are not good at finding out the right questions, you’ll be overburdened by unnecessary questions which might be important for other competitive exams but not for IBA.
Passing Mark
There is not definitive passing mark for this section. However, it is recommended that you must get 60 to 80% mark at least. It was seen in occasions that even 40% marks in this section were sufficient to be selected for the interview. Because only the top scorers will be selected for the final list, it is always recommended to get as much as possible in mathematics section. It is the section where it is easier to attain higher marks if prepared well.
If yo want to know how to prepare for interview of IBA, visit our page here.
IBA Math Preparation With Free Online Course
Admission Guru is offering a 100% free crash course for the MBA admission seekers. Whether you are preparing for EMBA, Executive MBA, Regular or Part time MBA, this crash course is going to help you hone your preparation. We will take four classes on each part of the admission test so that you can have a clear idea about the basics. To know more about the crash course click here.
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